Monday, May 21, 2012

Introduction To Haskell

Notion of functional programming

● Definition
- Treats computation as evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids state and mutable data

● Usefulness in academics
- Widely accepted in academics

● Predictability
- Result of computation is predictable as it will not have mutable data

Functional Programming Concepts

● First-Class or Higher-Order Function
- The functions can be passed as arguments and they can be returned as result
- partial application or currying

● Pure Functions
- Have no memory or I/O side effects

● Recursion
- Function calling itself

Background Of Haskell

● In 1930s, Alonzo Church developed lambda calculus Features include definition, application and recursion of function

● In 1950s, John McCarthy developed Lisp(List processor) generally regareded as first functional programming language influenced by lambda calculus but retaining variable assignments

●In 1960s, Peter Landin developed ISWIM (”If you See What I Mean”), the first pure functional language, based strongly on lambda calculus with no assignments

● In 1970s, John Backus developed FP, the functional language that emphasizes ”Higher order functions” and ”Reasoning about programs”

● Also in 1970s, Robin Milner and others developed ML (”Meta Language”) the first of the modern functional programming languages, which introduced the idea of polymorphic types and type inference

● In the 1970s and 1980s, David Turner developed a number of lazy functional programming languages, culminating in the commercially pro-duced language Miranda(”admirable”)

● In 1987, an international committee of researchers initiated the development of Haskell (named after the logician Haskell Curry), a standard lazy functional programming language

● In 2003, the committee published the definition of Haskell 98 , a stable version of Haskell that is the culmination of fifteen years of revisions and extensions to the language by its designers

Features of Haskell

● Concise Programs
- Haskell programs are often between two and ten times shorter than programs written in other current languages.

● Powerful Type System
- The Haskell type system is also more powerful than most current languages, by allowing functions to be “polymorphic” and “overloaded”

● Recursive Functions
- Pattern matching and Guards

● Higher Order Functions
- Composing two functions

● Monadic Effects
- Allowing side effects without affecting purity of functions

● Lazy Evaluation
- No computation should be performed until its result is actually required
- Allows program to terminate whenever needed

● Reasoning About Programs
- Simple evaluational reasoning can be used to execute programs, transform programs, prove properties of programs and even to derive programs directly from specifications of their behavior

Platforms For Haskell

● Haskell Compiler

● Haskell Interpreters

Glassgow Haskell Compiler

● GHC is a standard Haskell compiler, which compiles Haskell code either by using an intermediate C compiler (GCC) or by generating native code on some platforms.

Command to compile Haskell program using GHC
# ghc -- make Simple.hs -o Simple

Where ”-- make” is an option informing GHC that ”Simple.hs” is a program to be compiled ”-o” specifies the output file as ”Simple”

The above output file can be executed as follows

Glassgow Haskell Compiler Interactive

● “GHCi” is an acronym for “Glasgow Haskell Compiler

● GHCi comes along with GHC. It is an powerful interpreter which get loaded with default standard Haskell script ”Prelude.hs”

● This script contains definitions of many useful basic functions.

● GHCi can be launched by issuing following command on the system which has GHC platform installed
# ghci

● When ghci starts it loads default package Prelude.hs and displayed the following prompt

Haskell User's Gofer System

● HUGS is a byte code interpreter for the functional programming
language Haskell.

● It offers fast compilation of programs and reasonable execution speed.

● It is the most portable and lightweight of the Haskell implementations.

●  It can be launched by issuing following command on the system
on which HUGS is installed
# hugs

● As in case with ghci when hugs system starts it also loads default
package ”Prelude.hs” and displays following prompt

Some useful commands for Interpreter

● In follwing cases ”>” indicates interpreter prompt
> :? ------------ Help command

> :load File.hs ------------ This command will load a Haskell script file with name ”File.hs” and will execute it. It's alternative is ”:l File.hs”

>:reload [File.hs] ------------- This command will reload a Haskell script file with name ”File.hs” and will execute it. It's alternative is ”:r File.hs”. Here file name is optional. If file name is not specified then previously loaded file will be reloaded

>:type ----------- This will return the type of the expression specified as . It's alternative is ”:t

>:quit -------------- This is used to quit from the Haskell prompt  

● Hugs system as calculator

- As mentioned previously when hugs system starts it displays following prompt.


Above prompt can be used as calculator as follows

Hugs> 4*2 + 5 ^ 2 – 8 / 2

Here ”^” is exponentiation operator

The expression is evaluated according to precedence ^, *,/,+,-

Where ^ has higher precedence and – has lowest.

Here ”29” is the output of the expression evaluation.
Hugs System

● Try out following commands at the Hugs interpreter prompt
and state what the function is doing by analyzing the output

Hugs> length [1..5]
Hugs> length []
Hugs> sum [1,2,3,4,6,8]
Hugs> product [1..5]
Hugs> [1,2,3,4,5] ++ [1..5]
Hugs> div 1 5
Hugs> 1 `div` 0

Haskell script Structure

● Following is the layout of the Haskell script presented in square box.
   -- module <Module Name>
   -- where
   -- Variable assignments
   -- Function definition

In above layout each line is started with -- to indicate the
comment line.

The first part of the script is module declaration which is declared using ”module ” clause

Module declaration is followed by where clause which indicate the start of usable contents of the scrips such as variable and function definition

Next part of the script is variable definition which is specified as
var_name =

Last part is function definition whose structure and syntax will be explained later.

The script should be saved with .hs extension.

All parts are optional.

Naming Conventions in the Haskell

● Naming conventions for the functions and variables are same. The function or variable name must begin with a lower-case letter, but can then be followed by zero or more letters (both lower and upper-case), digits, underscores, and forward single quotes. For example, the following are all valid names: 

 myFun, fun1, arg2, x'

● The following list of keywords have a special meaning in the language, and cannot be used as the names of functions or their arguments: 
case class data default deriving do else if import in infix infixl infixr instance let module newtype of then type where

Comments In Haskell

● Single line comment 
'--' This is the single line comment

Multi-line or Nested comment
This is a multi-line comment
This comment can be nested

Function Definition and application
● function definition and function application is base of the functional programming

Layout of a function in Haskell

   <Function type Declaration>
   <Function Definition>

Examples :
fun :: Int -> Int
fun x = x

Function Type Specification

● Function is a mapping from input to output

● The input may have some type and output also

● Function type specification in Haskell

● Syntax :
    fun_name ::<INPUT1> -> .. -><INPUTn> -> <OUTPUT>

Here INPUT1 to INPUTn are types of arguments to function OUTPUT is the type of result from the function

Example :
compare :: Int -> Int -> Bool

Function Definition

● Function definition – behavior of function

● Arguments passing

● Syntax :
    fun_name ... = {-
                                Body of function

Example :
                    compare a b = if (a > b)
                                             then a
                                             else b

Basic Operators

● Conditional operators
     == Equality operator
     /=  Non equality operator
     >=  Greater than or equal to operator
     <=  Less than or equal to operator 

     >  Greater than operator
     <  Less than operator

Assignment operator
    = Assignment operator

Haskell in Logic Programming

The following logical operations are implemented in Haskell

● not Operation
● and Operation
● or Operation
● implication Operation
● equivalence Operation
● Combination of all logical operation

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